Originating in the south west - a free international conference for all healthcare professionals
Wing Commander Marcus Stow
Innovation Advisor jHubMed, JHubMed, MOD
Wing Commander Stow joined the RAF in 2002 as a Nursing Officer, during his varied career has focused on Aeromedical Evacuation, leadership, training and Medical Innovation. He has worked in many locations worldwide, including: Bosnia, Iraq, Qatar, Turkey, Afghanistan and Norway. In 2011, he deployed to Afghanistan with the US Marine Corps and was responsible for the successful medical evacuation of 1100 sick and wounded people. Volunteering to support the Ebola pandemic in Sierra Leone Stow was key in the development and testing of a novel method to safely move infective casualties by land, sea and air. In 2016 he was invited into the Order of Saint John for his collective humanitarian efforts, and in 2019 he received both the Worshipful Cutler’s prize for Innovation and an OBE for his work delivering new medical technology into UK Defence. He has managed and delivered a portfolio of new and developing technologies within the Defence Medical Services spanning; cutting edge clinical equipment, med-logistical support, data driven insight, telemedicine and Mobile-health. Marcus is part of the leadership team in jHubMed, the UK Armed Forces’ Medical Innovation Hub, working with the NHS and Industry to improve patient care by putting world leading technology into the hands of the Medical User, at pace.
Dr. Bettina Von Stamm
Innovation Philosopher, Innovation Leadership Forum
Why innovating for sustainability is no longer enough (and what resilience has got to do with it)
Dr Bettina von Stamm, founder and director of Innovation Leadership Forum, has been a visionary and leading thinker in the field of innovation for over 30 years. After spending several decades living and working in the UK, she is now based in Munich, where she joined BEFIVE by UnternehmerTUM to support their drive to accelerate innovation, sustainability and digitalisation in the built environment. Her over 30 year journey into 'understanding and enabling innovation' has made her passionate about the following topics: ... diversity - we are all unique, and have a unique contribution to make. Understanding and truly appreciating such diversity is one of the key challenges today. … leadership - in order to understand our uniqueness and understand how we can make our contribution, we need, first and foremost, lead ourselves. Only once we have clarity in ourselves should we lead others. … education - in order to enable as many people as possible to understand themselves and the highly complex world we live in, our education needs to change. … innovation - if we want to achieve all of the above we need to innovation, in all aspects of our lives. However, for well over a decade she has argued that any innovation that does not have sustainability considerations at its core is irresponsible. Today even that is no longer enough. We have to shift towards regeneration and rebuild resilience - individually, organisationally and for our planet, urgently. Her thoughts can be found in her books, articles and blog posts as well as her YouTube channel.
Dr Ally Jaffee
How Healthcare can become more Human along with the individuals working in it on the front-line.
Dr Ally Jaffee MBChB BSc is a multi-award-winning NHS Junior Doctor in Psychiatry, Mental Health Speaker/Advocate, Transformational Coach to-be, Social Media Content Creator, Youth Mental Health Charity Trustee and Nutritank co-founder.
Dr Ally is passionate about Preventative Healthcare and taking a proactive, rather than reactive approach with her patients. In 2017, she co-founded Nutritank: a not-for-profit which which educates Healthcare Professionals & Students on Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine in order to prevent, manage and even reverse chronic disease, both in their patients and themselves. Nutritank has been hugely successful, most recently achieving national recognition in the official NHS 75th anniversary book and winning The BBC Food & Farming New Talent Award,The Diana Award and The Prime Minister’s Points of Light Award.
Dr Ally is pursuing a career in Psychiatry, something she’s dreamt of since her schoolgirl days. She is particularly interested Young People’s Mental Health and is the co-host of an NHS sponsored Youth Mental Health Podcast and is a trustee of Chimo Trust (A Youth Mental Health charity, championing The Arts, Physical Activity & Social Prescription). Ally recently won the 2024 Cura-h Mental Health Health Advocate of the Year Award.
Dr Ally shares educational Mental Health content online, and is open about her own struggles. She campaigns for greater support towards Doctor’s Mental Health and hopes to normalise the conversation, showing that vulnerability can be strength and that there is a person behind the profession. She has been selected as a healthcare influencer to join the World Health Organisation( WHO) ‘Fides Project’, which aims to stop the spread of digital health misinformation.
Dr Ally has delivered multiple keynote talks on Mental Health, Social Entrepreneurship & Leadership at: PwC, Google, Dove, University of Warwick and NICE. She is no stranger to the media, having worked closely with the likes of Jamie Oliver, appearing alongside him on Channel 4. She has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has also featured on GB News and in The Times, The Telegraph and BBC news.
Dr Ally is also passionate about The Arts and holds a BSc degree in Medical Humanities & Creative Arts from Imperial College London.
Dr Ally is on Instagram, X & LinkedIn: @drallyjaffee
Website: www.drallyjaffee.com
David Rawaf
Surgeon, Researcher, Technologist, Innovator and Policy Developer
Future of Surgery & Beyond
David Rawaf is a surgeon, researcher, technologist, innovator and policy developer.
As well as studying and working both in the UK and the US, David works in multiple academic roles for Imperial College, WHO, the Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation amongst many others.
As the Associate Medical Director for Inovus Medical, he holds dynamic responsibility covering academic research, accreditation, thought leadership, product development and validation, marketing and business strategy.
David also holds multiple director roles on both philanthropic and venture capital advisory boards in addition to co-founder, clinical advisory & chair roles for various healthtech and medtech startups.
Dr. Hesham Abdalla
Co-founder of Hexitime, Paediatrician and Head of Quality Improvement at Oxford University Hospitals
Liberating Our Promise, Revealing Our Potential
Hesham is a consultant paediatrician and director of medical education and quality improvement. He has over 10 years experience of service improvement seen through the twin lenses of patient and staff experience and has led teams to a number of Patient Experience National Network and HSJ awards.
He teaches extensively on leadership and QI and was a senior lecturer at Birmingham and subsequently Keele University, teaching on the NHS Leadership Academy Elizabeth Garrett Anderson programme for senior leaders. He was also a trustee of Doctors Worldwide, a charity delivering quality medical care and relief in over 22 countries across the globe.
Hesham co-founded Hexitime, the first timebanking platform for improvement of Health and Care, which has been nominated for a number of regional and national awards.
Professor David Cahill
​Professor Emeritus in Reproductive Medicine and Medical Education
Medicine in Britain before the 20th century
David Cahill is happily retired from academic and clinical medicine. He graduated from University College Cork in Ireland a long time ago. Following house jobs, he worked in O&G in Ireland in almost all the cities in the country, both North and South. In that time, he found time to undertake clinical research and undergraduate teaching, and found his enjoyment in those areas developing. In an effort to diversify his training, he came to Bristol in 1990 to undertake research and after nearly 5 years, he was awarded an MD on studies involving fertility in endometriosis. He then became a Senior Lecturer and was promoted to a personal chair in Reproductive Medicine and Medical Education in 2012. His most recent research spans those areas looking at assessments and technology use in education and innovative treatments in sperm disorders in infertile men. Since he retired, he has published two books, the first in 2019 a textbook of Reproductive Medicine, Practical Patient Management in Reproductive Medicine: Science, Evidence, and Experience Underlying Best Clinical Practice. The second in 2022 was a history of Bristol Medical School, A History of Bristol Medical School: Personal and Collected Experiences of Students and Staff. He has also continued to teach at postgraduate level, in Hargeisa, Somaliland, in Tirana, Albania and on the MedAll web platform.
Dr Shubhendu Kulshreshtha
Innovation and Improvement Fellow in Emergency Medicine at Oxford and executive coach
Kotter's 8 steps in Quality Improvement
Dr. Shubhendu Kulshreshtha, MBBS, MRCEM, QSIR-P is an Innovation and Improvement Fellow in Emergency Medicine at Oxford He is also an executive coach to Change Leaders, ex-president of Cutting Edge, India’s largest student surgical society and a champion for the EMLeaders Programme through the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
Striving for great care to those who need it most, when they need it most is what took Shub to the frontlines of EM, then to the world of Quality Improvement to tackle systems and ultimately to executive coaching to help the people that help those who provide excellent care. Through his experience, Shub helps drive meaningful change.
Shub's career spans 2 countries, multiple distinct Indian states and his journey through demanding environments—both in emergency medicine and navigating personal transitions—fuelled a passion for empowering leaders to thrive amidst change.
Outside of the work setting, Shub loves a good barbeque - even if it means waking up at 4am to drive to the beach for sunrise with 10 other friends he’s keen to feed. Only to forget the fire starter!